27 July 2015

Everyone, at least once in his life, has thought to live and work abroad. It can be interesting, usefull for language skills and a good plus on the curriculum.

Leaving your Country is a very good decision. Even if it can be the best place in the word, you will find always something more interesting abroad.

But the main question - once you have decided to move abroad - is: where to go?

Of course, if there is a "sentimental relation" as cause, the Country destination is obvious (almost always). But if you have to take this decision objectively the answer can be more difficult.

You can choose your destination on the basis of the average salary you can earn. In this case cities like Zurich or Copenhagen can be the right choice. But it is not so easy to get a job over there because the competition is very high and the skills required are very specific.

If the most important thing is to taste a multicultural environment, for sure the destination should be a European Capital. London or Paris, Dublin or Berlin, all can be the perfect city to discover new cultures, meet people from all over the World and find a good job. The only possible problem is that these cities attract many foreigners, so the competition is very high and it can pass a lot of time till you find a job.

The third option is to move to Eastern Europe. In Poland, Hungary or Bulgaria there are many positions available, less competition than in other most famous cities and at the same time an unexpected international environment (due to many corporations that installed outsourcing centers over there). The negative aspect is the salary, still much lower than in the Western Europe.

Anywhere you want to go, you should be patient and motivated. Moreover, you need to be optimistic and prepared to sacrifices.

Good luck!

Posted on Monday, July 27, 2015 by NotonlyEurope

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06 July 2015

Yesterday Greeks decided. 

After many years of austerity that didn't bring any positive results in the economy and, overall, in the people life, Greeks have decided that was enough.

Celebrations in Syntagma Square (Athens)

It was enough to be oppressed by reforms that have made the Country much poorer that ten years ago. It was enough to be under a constant blackmail. It was enough to be considered the black sheep of Europe even after all the efforts done to respect what Europe wanted.

The result of the Greek referendum points out two political elements. The first is that asking people what they want, it is always the best way. Democracy works when it is really used. And in a community, people must be informed and must have the right to decide.

The second element is that Europe doesn't work at all. This vote is not a victory of Tsipras, it is the defeat of Brussels, the defeat of the IMF and overall, the defeat of the German idea of the European Union. 

And tomorrow? 

Greeks have been brave, as we don't know what will happen in the next weeks. They gave us a lesson: a small Country can decide its destiny also against the most important and powerful powers of the world. Let's hope that this vote will have positive effects on Greece and on the entire Europe.

Posted on Monday, July 06, 2015 by NotonlyEurope

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01 July 2015

Once again all Europe is focused on Greek crisis.

After the failure of the negotiations between Greece and Eu , Athens have decided to ask directly the population about the new agreement proposed by Europe.

Is this a good decision?

Definitely yes.

First, a referendum is the most democratic instrument possible. Population must be involved in such a decision that, in a way or in the other, will deeply touch their lives.

Second, the choice made by the Greek government has put pressure on the European Institutions. If Greeks will vote against the agreement, the crisis that can born in Europe is unpredictable. 

The small Greece represents the paradox of an Europe that has completely forgot its values. 

This situation is just the result of the contradictions of the European States. They don't want a strong Europe, as they don't want to lose power. So the rules of the game are not clear and strong enough. 

Greece got huge benefits to be part of Europe, but now it is smashed between the pressure of Germany and France and the fear of the population.

Many years of austerity didn't change anything. The situation got worse and worse. And today we are still here, looking at the Cradle of the democracy, that can collapse together with the ideal of a Federal European Union.

One thing is sure: the imminent default of Greece is the default of all Europe. 

Posted on Wednesday, July 01, 2015 by NotonlyEurope

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