Yesterday Greeks decided. 

After many years of austerity that didn't bring any positive results in the economy and, overall, in the people life, Greeks have decided that was enough.

Celebrations in Syntagma Square (Athens)

It was enough to be oppressed by reforms that have made the Country much poorer that ten years ago. It was enough to be under a constant blackmail. It was enough to be considered the black sheep of Europe even after all the efforts done to respect what Europe wanted.

The result of the Greek referendum points out two political elements. The first is that asking people what they want, it is always the best way. Democracy works when it is really used. And in a community, people must be informed and must have the right to decide.

The second element is that Europe doesn't work at all. This vote is not a victory of Tsipras, it is the defeat of Brussels, the defeat of the IMF and overall, the defeat of the German idea of the European Union. 

And tomorrow? 

Greeks have been brave, as we don't know what will happen in the next weeks. They gave us a lesson: a small Country can decide its destiny also against the most important and powerful powers of the world. Let's hope that this vote will have positive effects on Greece and on the entire Europe.