I will be honest. I have never heard about Marielle Franco before the 14th
of March, the day in which she was brutally killed in a targeted political

But reading her story made me think. How many brave people are there in the
I was thinking to the sad story of Giulio Regeni, the Italian researcher
killed in Egypt in 2016 or Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Maltese
Journalist killed in 2017. All people who weren't scared
to stand up for the truth and for to fight against corruption and illegality.
Marielle Franco was, as written in an article on the
Independent by Glenn Greenwald a "black LGBT + woman
in a country notoriously dominated by racism, sexism and traditional religious
dogma". Coming from one on the poorest Rio's slum, "she became a
single mother at the age of 19, but she graduated at college, obtained a master
in sociology, and then became one of the city’s most effective human rights
activists". In 2016, she became the 5th most voted candidate in the
elections for the Rio city council.
We think too much to ourselves, to work mostly doing something we don't
like, to earn money to buy things we don't need. But we never think about the
others, about the system in which we live.
"Bowling alone" was written by Robert D. Putnam in
2000 to describe the collapse of the sense of community in America. Unfortunately
this tendency increased in the last twenty years.
Fortunately, there are still people like Marielle Franco, to
remind us that we are not living alone.