My name is Alberico, I am Italian and this is my blog!
I have decided to create NotonlyEurope to feed my passion, Politics.
I spent so many years at the University, studying history, international affairs, law, economics, and when finally I entered in the world of work I have never used all the knowledge, I just left it in a drawer of the memory.
Now, many years later since I finished my studies, I wanted to create something for me and for my interests. I wanted to have a space to put order to my thoughts about Europe, about the economic crisis, about the job market and so on.
Internet offers a great space to do that, using the "blog" as the best instrument.
I have chosen to write in English, even if it would be much easier for me to write in Italian, my mother tongue, and even if my English is not perfect. But I know that writing in English will increase the probability to receive, maybe sooner or later, an opinion, a feedback or a critic for a post I am publishing.
This blog has not a specific aim to reach. I don’t want to convince anyone about my ideas, I’m not looking for supporters or for business opportunities. Nevertheless, I hope to have the occasion to touch some interesting themes, maybe acquire new information, perhaps open some discussions, for sure doing something I like.