The last European Elections
has largely confirmed the previsions: Eurosceptics have got many votes and the
abstaining has touched another record.
The only surprise
of these Elections has been Italy. The Democratic Party (Partito Democratico PD), leaded by
Matteo Renzi, has won the European Elections 2014 with the 40% of votes, +13%
in comparison with the result of the National Political Election in 2013. This
is the best result ever got by the PD since it was born in 2007.
The victory has
two main causes. First, the other competitors have done mistakes in the
electoral campaign (the case of Movimento 5 Stelle) or have had a too weak leadership (the case of Berlusconi's Party Forza Italia).
Second and most
important element to comprehend this victory is the charismatic figure of
Matteo Renzi. The former Major of Florence has conquered PD in December 2013,
becoming Party Secretary. In a couple of months, following the contrasts with
the Former Prime Minister Enrico Letta (PD member himself), Renzi finally
became Head of the Government.
Renzi's political
view followed two main guidelines: from one hand, he proposed the turnover of
the political leadership and a strong reduction of the costs of politics. From
the other, he never put in discussion the participation of Italy in the
European Union and the respect of the Institutions. In this way, he could
compete with other more populist political forces during the electoral
campaign, but at the same time, he could keep an strong appeal to the more
traditional part of the electorate.
Considering the
advance of Eurosceptics in the last elections, can we consider PD as a new
model for European social-democratic Parties, many of them in a huge crisis?
Of course, each
Country is different. But two considerations can be done: first, the most part
of Europeans are still favorable to Eu integration. On the long period,
attacking the Union could become a boomerang. Second, changing of leadership
should be probably one of the most important topic to face by many Parties that
lost the European elections. Nevertheless, changes must be also substantial.
Finally, it is
possible that this time Italy will be able to show a positive example for
European Partners. We will see in the next months, especially during the
Italian Eu Presidency Semester.
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