The 30th of August 2014 Donald Tusk has been nominated President of European Council. He will replace Herman Von Rompuy, President since December 2009.

The President of European Council is an important role in the Eu Institutional Framework: he/she is the principal representative of the European Union on the World stage and the person presiding over and driving forward the work of the European Council.

Simplifying, if European Union was a State, the Parliament and the EU Council could be the two branches of the Legislative Power, the Commission could represent the Government and the European Council (the college of Heads of State or Government of EU member States as well as the President of the European Commission) could be compared to the Head of State.

It will be interesting to see in the next months which consequences this designation will bring to Poland and, generally, to Europe. 

Two are the main fields to observe. First of all, the economy: Tusk is very close to the positions of Angela Merkel, that means a development with fiscal strictness and no space for more flexibility that Countries like France or Italy would like to have. Moreover, Tusk will preside over the Euro summit even if Poland doesn't have Euro yet. Will Tusk election push Poland in Eurozone? How the new President will manage the conflicts inside the European Council about the economic rules of the next years?

The second area of interest will be the foreign policy. Tusk is considered, for example, a hawk in the relations Eu - Russia. Will he persuade Eu to adopt a more rigid position against Putin? Or the new Miss Pesc Federica Mogherini will balance him (as she is considered a dove)? How will other Countries pro-Russia (as Hungary or Cyprus) react in a possibly cooling of the relations with Putin by the Eu?

Those are just conjectures. Probably nothing will really change inside the European Council, where States still have the last word. But for sure Tusk designation gives a new face at the European Union. It is the first time that a such important office is committed to a political exponent of a Eastern Country, exactly ten years after the Eastern Enlargement of Eu. For Poland, getting this role is definitely an honor and a recognition of its strategic importance and constantly increasing power inside Europe. Without forgetting the designation of Elzbieta Bienkowska as European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, another fundamental role in the European political arena.