What happened few days ago in Paris has shocked everyone.
An attack to a newspaper and twelve people killed in the heart of the French Capital is something unexpected and unbelievable.
What happens? And over all: what is going to happen in the next months?
I want to expose just two short considerations.
First: freedom of speech, freedom of press and the right to satire don't have to be called in discussion. Those are pillars of our society and that is why we have to protect them even if fear and hate are going to raise.
Second: that massacre has not been done in name of Islam, but on the basis of a fanaticism dangerous for everybody. Muslims are around 8% of the population in Europe: they go to school, they work, they try to live a normal life as everybody else. The perception of Europeans is completely wrong. As presented by The Economist in a study realized by Ipsos.
The attack to Charlie Hebdo could increase the hostility against Muslim Community in every Country. It is needed an action at a European level to avoid it. At the same time, something must be done to fight the fanaticism.
Few days ago the fanatic group of Boko Haram slaughtered two thousand people in the north of Nigeria. If it happens far from us, it doesn't mean we don't have to care about it.
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