There is a similar situation in Greece, where Syriza is accredited of 31% of votes and could win the incoming political election.
But what would it mean if an anti-austerity force could win the elections in one of the most important European Countries?
In the last years, many protest movements became a Party and could get a lot of votes. In Italy, one of the biggest and weakest economy of Europe, the "Movimento 5 Stelle" leaded by a former comedian, got an extraordinary success in the general elections of 2013 (second Party with 25% votes). Even with strong and supported ideas to change the system, the movement has not been really able to transform itself in a real Party, a essential condition to convert ideas in laws.
In Spain, in a post-electoral scenario with three main and opposed forces, it is possible to imagine an alliance between Socialist and Moderates in a solidarity government. But the importance of Podemos as first party could bring their leaders to be central in the future reforms.
One thing is sure: the raise of those forces cannot be considered just a signal, but a deep transformation of the European electorate. We are just waiting a consequent transformation at the political level too.
In the last years, many protest movements became a Party and could get a lot of votes. In Italy, one of the biggest and weakest economy of Europe, the "Movimento 5 Stelle" leaded by a former comedian, got an extraordinary success in the general elections of 2013 (second Party with 25% votes). Even with strong and supported ideas to change the system, the movement has not been really able to transform itself in a real Party, a essential condition to convert ideas in laws.
In Spain, in a post-electoral scenario with three main and opposed forces, it is possible to imagine an alliance between Socialist and Moderates in a solidarity government. But the importance of Podemos as first party could bring their leaders to be central in the future reforms.
One thing is sure: the raise of those forces cannot be considered just a signal, but a deep transformation of the European electorate. We are just waiting a consequent transformation at the political level too.
I think that the raise of those forces is because the Party (PP-PSOE or PD-PDL in Italy) lost all the credibility and the people is trying to find a solution founded in those new born movement. In my opinion, Europe will not allow to PODEMOS to take the leadership in Spain, as it doesn't in Italy, where decided to put Renzi as Prime Minister, a person that was not even voted from the people of Italy. The same did with Monti and Letta. I think in Spain will happen the same, if PODEMOS will be the most voted party, PP and PSOE they will make a coalition together (as in Italy PD and PDL) and then Europe will decide who will be the Prime Minister.