The year that is going to end has been very difficult for Europe.

The Greek crisis, the situation in Syria, the immigration, the terrorist attacks are the main events of 2015. Europe seems always weaker and disoriented, unable to take any leadership as political subject in the World.

Next year doesn't look easier. There will be at least 3 main challenges that Europe will have to face.

First, the economic crisis is not ended yet. The solution found for Greece seems more a palliative that a real answer to the problems of the Country. Also Finland is not passing a good period caused by the relations with Russia and for the problems with Nokia, it can become the new sick man of Europe. Will be Europe able to mitigate and solve the economic contrasts between the different Countries?

Second: the international context is getting more and more complex. Isis, the contrasts between Russia and Turkey and the Syrian war are exasperating the international relations. Will be Europe able to manage the tensions at her borders?

Third and last, Europe has lost credibility this year. The European institutions were outclassed by the leadership of one Country - Germany. Many voices were raised against terrorism and Isis, but not a unique action was really agreed. Euro is always more criticized, but nothing have been done to mitigate the social contrasts and to propose a new governance. Will be Europe able to do it in 2016?

Will be Europe able to transform herself in a political subject?

History can always change.

Happy New Year!