The win of "Le Front National" in the first turn of the Regional Elections in France few days ago has started a wide debate in Europe.

Marin Le Pen, who lead the party since 2011, has very clear ideas on important topics: end of Euro, stop immigration, protectionism, no same-sex marriage, just to mention the main ones.

Will she be able to win the Presidential Elections in 2017? And if she was President, what could it happen to Europe?

I think we shouldn't be scared of Marine Le Pen for three main reasons.

First, even if the Front National is an important political force, it represents still a minority in France. PS and Republicans still hold the majority of the electorate.

Second, in two years everything can happen. The mood of the electorate can change suddenly, and moreover, the voting logics are very different from the local to the national level.

Third and the most important, European Union needs a political shock. It wasn't enough Syriza and the ghost of Grexit, not enough what it is happening in Syria. Maybe the political and economical establishment need to imagine a France led by Marine Le Pen in order to start thinking a new idea of Europe. 

Never too late.